LA'FAGAWO by Elisha Gimba prd. by Anointed

DOWNLOAD HERE The Abuja Gospel music Minister and song writer ” Elisha Gimba ” presents his new single titled LA’FAGAWO .LA’FAGAWO is a Gbagyi phrase meaning “Hand over your battles to Him(God)” It is a prophetic reggae song inspired the Holy Spirit to reassure the body of Christ of His divine Power and commitment to their plights in this trying times, where believers are daily been attacked, persecuted and killed for their faith. As you LA’FAGAWO, the mighty man in battle who watches over Israel is breaking the chains of sickness, poverty, lack ,childlessness, hopelessness, joblessness and is destroying all the enemies of your life I.e the Goliaths, Sambalats, Tobias, Pharaohs) of your destinies. LAFAGAWO is a song that will awaken the lion in you and Charge you up to pray with the assurance of Victory in Christ. Anointed pr...