
Showing posts from June, 2020

Download a worship song "Oghene doh" by Oche Jonkings

Oche Jonkings  the crooner of the great song  'I RUN TO YOU'  is out with another amazing, deep and rich song  Oghene Doh (Live) . The studio version was earlier released in 2019. Oghene Doh (Thank You Lord) is a song of appreciation to God who fights our battles, both seen and unseen and gives to us the victory hence the lyrics     CLICK TO      DOWNLOAD HERE LYRICS: Oghene Doh (Live) by Oche Jonkings Verse 1: Lord You fight all my battles for me Some I can see, Many I cannot see And You give to me the victory Lord you win and I win too You overcame and I overcome - Chorus: Oghene Doh Doh Doh Oghene Doh Doh Doh For the battles You won for me Doh Oghene Doh For the miracles You bring my way Doh Oghene Doh - Verse 2: You fight my battles both great and small You fight my battles seen and unseen Lord You fight my battles and I hold my peace For the victory You bring, doh Oghene doh For the miracles You bring my way Doh O

Download this unique song -we are marching by Jeremiah Gyang ft. Jesse Jagz & Rubunu

Download We Are Marching By  Jeremiah Gyang , Another great Inspiration for everyone. The Legendary Features Jesse Jagz and Rubunu in this song. Am sure you won’t take this song off your playlist because the inspiration and light is great and beautiful even from listening to  ‘Father ‘, ‘ Waiyo Ahayah Nawa ‘, ‘ Have Mercy on your people ‘ you get to understand the Anointing flowing through. Please Download We Are Marching and Share with the world. God Bless! Click to   Download Here Audio  phesians 5:14- 23 14   Wake up from your sleep, Climb out of your coffins; Christ will show you the light!  15   So watch your step. Use your head. 16   Make the most of every chance you get. These are desperate times!  17   Don’t live carelessly, unthinkingly. Make sure you understand what the Master wants.  18   Don’t drink too much wine. That cheapens your life. Drink the Spirit of God, huge draughts of him.  19   Sing hymns instead of drinking songs! Sing songs from your heart to C

Download "Father" by Jeremiah Gyang ft. Silas Yako

Download father a song of total devotion to the great I Am. We Call him father because he is our father and we want you to download this song and share it with the whole world. in this song ,Jeremiah Gyang features Reverend Silas Yako. Two great legends in one song,this is really Phenomenal. Here is the story behind this great song.             DOWNLOAD HERE HE STORY Of FATHER: HOW I LOST EVERYTHING. PART ONE: THE BLESSING While walking with my biological father, Evangelist Gyang Luke Dung to the road to get a bus to the studio, the words & melody for this song started to come to me. This was in 1995. My birth father passed away in 2005. Before his passing, he commended me into the Hands of the Most High. He blessed me with a curse, or, he cursed me with a blessing, and this is it: He said, “in this life, you will NEVER succeed outside God.” I will be forever grateful for that condition He set for me. Now with all these things, I still went pr